Know your document

Confidentiality - Integrity - Availability

Mission - Offering you platform to centralize all your documents digitally.

Vision - Maintaining confidentiality, integrity and availability of your organization document to help you reach your goal easily

KYD is a document management software designed to store and manage all your company documents digitally. KYD software can help organizations to centralize their documents by providing a single, centralized repository for storing and managing electronic documents and images of paper-based information. This can be especially useful for organizations with multiple locations or departments, as it allows all employees to access and work on the same set of documents from any location. Among the document management software in Nepal, we are the best document management software which help you to store your document as per your requirement. Our team helps in the customization of the software which will help in managing company documents that fit your organization. We also provide you with the sufficient training and management guidance for the smooth running of your business.

Benefits of KYD

  • Improved Accessibility:
    • With a KYD system, employees can access the documents they need from any location, as long as they have an internet connection. This can be especially useful for remote workers or teams that need to access documents while traveling.
  • Enhanced Collaboration:
    • A KYD system makes it easy for multiple users to work on the same documents simultaneously, which can facilitate collaboration and improve productivity.
  • Better Control:
    • By KYD system in a single repository, organizations can have better control over who has access to which documents, as well as track who has accessed and modified documents. This can help to ensure that sensitive documents are only accessed by authorized personnel and that document changes are properly tracked.
  • Reduced Risk of Data Loss:
    • By storing documents in a KYD repository, organizations can reduce the risk of data loss due to lost or misplaced documents, hardware failure, or other types of disasters.
  • Improved Compliance:
    • A KYD system can help organizations to meet regulatory requirements related to document storage and retention, as well as demonstrate compliance with industry standards.
  • Improved Efficiency:
    • KYD software can help organizations to streamline their document-related processes, making it easier to find, access, and share documents. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors.
  • Increased Security:
    • KYD software can help to protect sensitive documents by providing access controls and enabling organizations to track who has accessed and modified documents.

Advantages of KYD Software


Improved efficiency

KYD software can help organizations to streamline their document-related processes, making it easier to find, access, and share documents. This can save time and reduce the risk of errors


Reduced risk of data loss

By storing documents in a KYD repository, organizations can reduce the risk of data loss due to lost or misplaced documents, hardware failure, or other types of disasters.


Better control

By KYD system in a single repository, organizations can have better control over who has access to which documents, as well as track who has accessed and modified documents. 


What we Protect

KYD software that is designed to store, manage, and track electronic documents and electronic images of paper-based information captured through the use of a document scanner. It is typically used to organize, store, and track documents in a digital format, making it easier to access and share information among team members.